Sunday, March 04, 2012

Strange, but True and More

Inside Tulum

Saturday, Abe and I were sitting at Tulum, an interesting little restaurant at Grand and Wolcott, when we saw very strange groups of costumed people running past pushing grocery shopping carts.  The first one we thought was some sort of prank or dare, but they just kept coming.  A quick Google search on "shopping cart chicago" resulted in "Chiditarod"  (Ain't technology great?) Sure enough, the fund raiser was running right outside the restaurant. These photos are from last year's event. but you get the idea.

Today our neighbors, the Erenbergs had a coffee (actually bagels and) for Mike Forti, a candidate for a Circuit court judgeship.  He seemed quite reliable, well-spoken and OK.  There was a good turnout and our new across-the-hall neighbors were able to meet people from the building.  A gathering for a candidate is a great time to knit.  Today I got three Hexipuffs done.

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