Monday, March 26, 2012

A New Skill

On Saturday, my friend Lena and I took a class in Split-Ply Braiding at Sifu Design Studio.  An old craft from the Tibet, Nepal, India area.  Basically, with the use of a tool called a gripfid, you open 4-ply cord and pass another cord through the opening.  Change the order, location or direction of the piercing and you can produce fantastic patterns.  Here are a few of the items made by our teacher, Michele O'Reilly.

First, two bracelets -

Two three dimensional items, a "vessel" and a thing.

And here is result of my class, my very own, designed by me, made with yarn dyed by Michele, bracelet.  I hope you like it.  I am very proud of it.  
The pattern at each end is called Serpentine and the center section is also Serpentine but the work is turned over at the completion of each segment.  

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