Saturday, March 31, 2012

Two plays in two days

This week has been quite theatrical.  On Thursday I was the guest of my friend Joan to see the Goodman Theater's production of "Camino Real".  One review called it "Tennessee Williams at his bleakest and most violent"  It surely was.  The staging was amazing, the lighting was spectacular, the acting was without fault, even the music was appropriate for the situations.  None of that made you want to like the play. Here is a lifted photo of the memorable lighting and set design.

Joan and I suspected that they presented it without an intermission to be sure that you sat through the entire show.  I do not regret seeing the play, it was an unforgettable experience, I just wish it had been more uplifting.

Tonight, on the other had, Gene and I joined Mark and Nancy at the Polarity Ensemble Theatre's production of "Tom Jones".  WOW, was it fun.  There was a cast of 17, in a space that seats 52.  We were pleased to be among the attendees.  There was never a dull moment. Described by the producer as "an adaptation of the 1749 Henry Fielding novel by David Hammond. This is a big, sexy, funny romp of a play."  And that it was. We were amazed at how much can be done with minimal props and many doors.  I'm glad we went, it washed away all the gloom the the previous day. Sorry I don't have a photo for you, but I've included the Polarity logo.

Monday, March 26, 2012

A New Skill

On Saturday, my friend Lena and I took a class in Split-Ply Braiding at Sifu Design Studio.  An old craft from the Tibet, Nepal, India area.  Basically, with the use of a tool called a gripfid, you open 4-ply cord and pass another cord through the opening.  Change the order, location or direction of the piercing and you can produce fantastic patterns.  Here are a few of the items made by our teacher, Michele O'Reilly.

First, two bracelets -

Two three dimensional items, a "vessel" and a thing.

And here is result of my class, my very own, designed by me, made with yarn dyed by Michele, bracelet.  I hope you like it.  I am very proud of it.  
The pattern at each end is called Serpentine and the center section is also Serpentine but the work is turned over at the completion of each segment.  

Friday, March 16, 2012


In my last post I said that we were having a hint of an early spring.   It is no longer a hint.  It is a fact.  (I've lived here all my life, so I know things can/will change.)  Spring is here.

Spring flowers are blooming.  There are bright yellow daffodils along the expressway, forsythia are exploding in their golden glory, trees are budding, the willows are changing colors.  Life is wonderful.

Speaking of changing color, tomorrow the Chicago River will turn green for the St Pat's Day parade.  But they got a head-start at the fountain in the Daley Center Plaza.

Just in case you need to see what is in store for us, here is tonight's 7-Day Forecast.


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Last Week

Spring is trying very hard to convince us that it is April not March.  I actually saw some crocuses in bloom on Wednesday.  Unfortunately, I missed the photo opportunity.  Sprouting bulbs are all over, the trees are getting fuzzy and the willows are becoming golden.  This is all good.  They are predicting 70s for Tuesday and Wednesday.  Let's hope we will not pay for this later.

The usual things happened this week, Mensa lunch on Tuesday, lunch with Barbara on Wednesday at 
Icosium Kafe at Clark and Foster.  I had Crepa de Roma, delicious.  

The investment club met here this morning, no changes in our portfolio.  

The total count for the Hexipuff quilt is an amazing 216.  

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Strange, but True and More

Inside Tulum

Saturday, Abe and I were sitting at Tulum, an interesting little restaurant at Grand and Wolcott, when we saw very strange groups of costumed people running past pushing grocery shopping carts.  The first one we thought was some sort of prank or dare, but they just kept coming.  A quick Google search on "shopping cart chicago" resulted in "Chiditarod"  (Ain't technology great?) Sure enough, the fund raiser was running right outside the restaurant. These photos are from last year's event. but you get the idea.

Today our neighbors, the Erenbergs had a coffee (actually bagels and) for Mike Forti, a candidate for a Circuit court judgeship.  He seemed quite reliable, well-spoken and OK.  There was a good turnout and our new across-the-hall neighbors were able to meet people from the building.  A gathering for a candidate is a great time to knit.  Today I got three Hexipuffs done.

Friday, March 02, 2012

Hexipuffs, bread and more

I have been working on the Hexipuff project.  I'm now up to 201 of those little buggers.  One hundred and ten of them are assembled.  Eighty-five in the big bunch and twenty-five in the small group.  The rest are at loose ends, awaiting joining.

The colors in the photos do not truly show the actual colors, but you get the idea.

Good news on the vacuum front.  The patient survived, got its bearings and is fit for many more years of service.

A few weeks ago I made some Speedy No-Knead Bread.  Quite tasty.  When Abe heard about it, he tried it too.  His first time it was pretty straight up.  For the second loaf he added herbs, garlic, a little brown sugar and other misc. things.  He reported another success.

Here is the recipe if you want to try. RECIPE LINK  Give it a try and let me know how it goes.