Swapping Susans
On Ravelry there are many special interest groups.
Some groups are based on the local yarn store (LYS) you frequent, some on what you like to knit, your favorite yarn, the type of pet you live with, where you live, with whom you live, your school, your kids, the sports team you support, favorite TV show, what you read, what you drive, your hopes and fears. And, strangely enough, your first name.
With that in mind, I joined the "Susan Knits" group. There is the chit chat you would expect, some are Susan and never Susie, Suzanne but not Sue, etc. Wediscussed famous Susans, there are few. And we had a swap. I exchanged with Susan (Suse) who lives outside of Melbourne, Australia. About as far from Chicago as you can get.
Here's a link to her blog Knitting for Love and Sanity where she kvells about the box I sent. I'm so pleased she liked the collection, as she says, it's hard to shop for someone you hardly know.
I am waiting as patiently as possible for my package from Australia. Is it here yet?