The Bean
Thursday I really did intend to go to the office after my dentist appointment.
The weather was perfect, I was early and "The Bean" (OK it is really "Cloud Gate" but that is like Mrs. Cleaver calling Beaver "Theodore") was between my parking space and the dentist.
This picture is taken from underneath looking up. I'm the yellow and red figure repeated many times.
Very cool.
After the appointment (everything was good, just a cleaning) I checked out a bead shop and latched onto a tour going through the store formerly known as Marshall Field's. I audited their viewing of the Tiffany ceiling. Let's hope that Macy's recognizes a legacy when they own it.
Lunch with Gene and Garnet at the Daley Center followed by accompanying Gene on a wild goose chase for old case files.
A stop at the Clerk of Cook County Vital Records may help to unravel a mystery recently discovered. Several months ago I was doing family tree stuff and checked the 1920 US Census for my mother's family. I found them easily. There was Sidney Zittenfield, Irene, his wife, and their children, Milton (14), Raymond (8), Barbara (4) and John (2). JOHN?? Who was John? Good old uncle John? I requested a search for his birth certificate. It takes about six weeks for an answer.