How I spent my week-end
Friday, Gene and I drove to the the far south suburbs, picked up our tickets to see the Yarn Harlot, a witty writer whose knitting blog is addictive, and bought her new book (Things I Learned from Knitting...whether I wanted to or not)at the yarn store that was handling the Chicago stop on her book tour. We then drove farther south and had an early dinner with his cousin and her husband. Then back to the lecture, we were told she was running late. Bad weather. A critical mass of happy, interesting, involved knitters is a wonderful thing. Much chatter, admiring of projects and fellowship. Then the announcement. After trying to get out of Canada all day, it wasn’t to be. There were no flights that could get her to Chicago. Event postponed, to be rescheduled some time in the future. Bah.
Saturday, we had our monthly dinner with friends. It has been a regular thing for 15 plus years. Everyone brings a course and a good time is had by all. I knit on an afghan square while we caught up and solved the world’s problems.
Sunday, relaxed. I got my swap partner on the Susan Knits forum. She is in Melbourne, Australia. That’s about as far away from here as you can be. This will be fun. I knit some more, did laundry, enjoyed the completion of Passover, etc. Now I’m watching “House”. Who could ask for anything more?