Saturday, August 26, 2006

Galena, Illinois

Today has been a relaxed, though busy day.

Last night we drove from Chicago to Galena, (that is from the upper right corner of the state to the upper left corner) arrived late and crashed at our hotel.

Today was a memorial service and scattering of the ashes for our friend Terry Brown (Terrance Brown, MD to be formal). Many of his friends gathered at the farm in Galena to remember Terry. He died in a car crash a year ago. The shock and immediate grief were all expressed last summer, today we read some poetry, ate epanadas and drank wine in his honor and memory. If you're interested, here is a link to a memorial for him. He had an amazing life and had friends all around the world.

After much talk and some wine, we returned to the hotel and I finished the Sarum Tunic. Okay, okay, it still needs blocking.

That done, we decided to grab some dinner. Guess what, most of Galena closes at 10 PM. It is now 10:10. Bah, where is Chicago when I need it?

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